Written by Ema Hagihara (WISE President)

Ask a Recruiter Panelists.
In collaboration with the Faculty of Science, WISE successfully held a panel dedicated to answering as many recruitment questions as possible.
A big thank you to the 150 people who attended!
If you missed it, here are the highlights:
- Attempt to gain a variety of experiences! They don't have to be directly related to your career. It shows that you're interested in gaining skills and have demonstrated initiative. For example, joining a student committee is a great one... *hint hint WISE Committee*
- Customise your cover letters for the company you are applying to. Recruiters know when a CL has been sent to 10 other companies as the content isn’t very specific. On top of this, highlight how this job you're applying for sparks your interest! Passion is one of the main factors recruiters seek.
- COVID doesn't have to stop you from progressing forward with job hunting. Many companies have not been hit very badly. However, some industries have been impacted worse than others. In any case, it is still be a good idea to keep an eye on your field(s) of interest and potentially network in those fields to promote yourself.
- When connecting with professionals in LinkedIn, for example recruiters, send a message highlighting why you'd like to contact them. It may be that you attended the WISE Networking Night and would like to follow up with something interesting they said.
- Act as natural as possible in interviews! This can be difficult in-person, let alone in virtual interviews, but expressing yourself naturally will help recruiters see how you fit in with the company.
If you have any personal favourite tips, please share in the comments!
All the best with your job seeking. Persevere and you will get there!
Ema + WISE Committee.