Author Credit: Jaya Negi, WISE Activities Officer and Vivienca Luong, WISE Promotions Officer

Have you ever wondered what engineering consultants do? You may have heard about a career path in the engineering consulting industry, but what does it truly mean?
GHD hosted an exclusive event to inspire WISE members with first-hand experience of speaking with engineers, learning what consultants do and exploring their new office space. Our members were introduced to the world of consulting, and the potential career paths involved.
The event started off with an informative presentation. Our WISE members got to learn a lot more about what GHD is, their history and mission. We learnt about the different sectors within consultancy, the emergence of the new advisory sector and the growing demand for the digital sector. Most importantly, we learnt that these sectors work together. A key part of the presentation was about the Smart Seeds program that GHD embeds into their student vacation program. The Smart Seeds program is where young students work in a collaborative environment to produce innovative solutions to current problems. They are able to use problem-solving, communication and innovative skills, whilst working together with other peers and mentors, and having to think outside of the box.
The WISE group was then split into various market sectors, given a tour of the office and speak with various GHD team members about the types of projects they undertake. The seven market sectors are:
Energy & Resources
Property & Buildings
GHD has recently renovated the entire building floor and WISE is one of the first student groups to experience the fresh office space. Meeting various team members of the respective market sectors truly gave a deeper insight into the type of projects the team members were working on, the diverse skill set the team has to adopt and the specific problems the Smart Seed Program covered. Whilst Jaya was partaking in the water sector tour, she was told that a previous Smart Seed question was “if money was not an issue, how would you try to improve water resources”.
The event concluded with an array of cocktail food and drinks, where WISE members had the opportunity to meet and connect with more GHD employees. Vivienca was able to connect with various senior-level employees of GHD on LinkedIn and gained insight on how GHD manages big projects and the employees.
GHD Site Visit with WISE was an event which truly gave the opportunity for female and non-binary STEM students to gain valuable insights into consulting.

If your company or organisation is interested in sponsoring or working with WISE, please reach out to us at any time via We are always keen to partner with organisations that share our vision for gender equity in STEM, and equipping women and non-binary students with the skills they need for a successful career in STEM.